This study was on assessment of teachers‟ implementation of Social studies curriculum for effective citizenship among primary school pupils in Kaduna State. The study was conducted with the objectives to: assess the extent to which the objectives of social studies curriculum are geared towards inculcating effective citizenship in primary school pupils in Kaduna State; examine the adequacy of the methods and techniques used by teachers in the implementation of social studies curriculum for effective citizenship in Kaduna State; evaluate the appropriateness of instructional materials used in implementing the social studies curriculum in enhancing effective citizenship in primary schools in Kaduna State; assess the qualification of teachers available in primary schools for the implementation of social studies curriculum for effective citizenship in Kaduna State; and evaluate the adequacy of social studies curriculum contents in the production of good citizens in primary schools in Kaduna State. Also, five research questions were answered while five null hypotheses were tested in the study in line with the stated objectives. Data for the study was obtained from 263 teachers and 170 pupils from 23 local government areas of Kaduna State. Survey research design was adopted for the study and data was collected using a researcher designed questionnaire. The data gathered were analysed using chi-square statistics and hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Findings among others revealed a significant relationship between social studies curriculum objectives and teachers‟ inculcation of effective citizenship in primary school pupils in Kaduna State. Result also show that there is no significant difference between methods and techniques used by teachers in the implementation of social studies curriculum for effective citizenship in Kaduna State. Recommendations were made that more affective (attitudinal) objectives with particular focus on values and citizenship be included in the content and sub-topics of the social studies curriculum; there is a need for training and retraining of social studies teachers on the proper use of teaching methods and techniques in the implementation of social studies curriculum for effective citizenship; there is need for continued emphasis on the use of community materials in implementing the social studies curriculum as this would enhance effective citizenship; there should be constant supervision of social studies teachers by trained supervisors and inspectors, who could be able to give constructive advice to teachers on how best the subject should be handled for effective citizenship in Kaduna State; and Social studies curriculum contents should be made adequate so as make learners become a good citizen capable and willing to contribute to the development of the society.